Why I Eat Healthy Foods

Eating vegtables can be an overal healthy chioce. Vegtables can reduce risks of stroke, cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diebetic, cancer in the mouth, and a lot more. A way to eat more vegtable would be to buy the vegtable that is growing during the season. This way they are more freseh and they will be at there best flavor. Also, get some frozen vegtables that you can heat up in the microwave for easy cooking. There are so many vegtables that you can vary in all your meals to make them taste different and more interesting every time! The five vegtable groups are dark green vegtables, orange vegtables, dry beans and peas, starchy vegtables, and other vegtables. These groups are based on how much nutrition there is in each vegtable.

My Favoritre Junk Food

Tootsie rolls are very small but they have 100 calories in them. This means that if you have 3 tootsie rolls you are eating 300 calories! One of the ingredients in making a tootsie roll is partially hydrogenated soybean oil. This oil is made up ok 85% unsaturated fat. Even though unsturated fat is better for you then saturated fat the unsaturated percentage should be 25% to 35% and the tootsie rolls have 85% of it. Partially hydrogenated soybean oil is like smoking it will eventually kill you if you have too much of it.

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